Academic Support
The Library Learning Commons contains a variety of resources to help support you academically. We also provide homework help through the Mathify program.
Technology Support
See the Chromebook Support page for information.
Clubs and Teams
We support students' academic and personal well-being. Through a variety of academic programs and supports, extra-curricular activities and community involvement, we are committed to our students' positive experience in school.
See the Student Activities page for information.
Plan your education
Read the following resources to help plan your high school education:
- Choosing My Success Student Transition Guide (Planning for Grade 9)
- Refining My Pathway Student Transition Guide (Planning for Grade 11 & 12)
- Designing My Future Student Transition Guide (Planning for Your Initial Post-Secondary Destination)
Prior learning assessment
If you earned high school credits in another province or country, contact Durham Continuing Education's Credential Centre for information on the process for transferring high school credits to the DDSB.
Plagiarism and Cheating Policy
Please note the the plagiarism and cheating policy listed in the 2022-2023 Student Agenda is incorrect. Please see the attached for the updated policy.
Plagiarism and Cheating Policy
Student Attendance Policy
Good attendance is essential for academic success. As well the development of critical thinking, group interaction, and good work habits depend upon regular attendance of all students. Please read the full policy below.