Mathematics Department

If you have any questions, please contact Andrea Hutton, Acting Head of Mathematics at

Please hover over the course options below to read a full description.

Grade 9 Courses

Calculator and protractors on a green background

Ladders on a blue background with a cloud over the tallest ladder

EQAO logo

EQAO logo

Grade 10 Courses

Tiles with math operators on them with a notebook

Protractors and a notebook surrounded by pencils and erasers

Pencil, compass and notebook on a desk

Grade 11 Courses

Chalk in the shape of math operators on a green background

Function symbol on a black background

Function symbol on a white background with a pencil

Calculator and pages with graphs on them on a white background

Grade 12 Courses

Protractors, pencils and a compass on a grid background

Calculator, notebook and pencils on a green background

Graphs and manipulatives on a white background

Toy shopping cart, house, airplane and grad cap balanced on stacks of coins

Rusty cogs that are connected